Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Digital Mind Technologies will use commercially reasonable efforts to try to resolve the problem at no additional charge. If those efforts are unsuccessful, Digital Mind Technologies will refund the fee that is paid for the one time Service and not refund the full amount.

As per our refund policy when the web developer has completed the work, the call will be automatically routed to the associates and if you are not satisfied with the service, your entire amount will be refunded. And if you are completely satisfied with our service, you will be given 7 days warranty.

If the same issue arises within the next 15 days, that will be fixed free of cost. In case the customer is not satisfied with our services the money will be refunded only if he/she contact us within the 7 days from the date of purchase.

In the event of failure to resolve even a single issue within first 15 days of the subscription, Digital Mind Technologies shall refund the full subscription amount to the user.

However, if there is one or more issues that have been resolved within first 15 days of the subscription, subscription amount will not be refundable to the user. Not with standing this, Digital Mind Technologies, on a case to case basis, at its sole discretion, may refund the subscription fee after deducting certain servicing charges.

For instant or one-time plans, refund shall be provided only if the user had all the prerequisites which were required to resolve the issues, and the issue was not resolved till the subscription was active. If the issue is completely out of scope for one-time plan, Digital Mind Technologies will refund the subscription fee to the user. The user will get the refund if the It recurs within 15 days of the last service provided by Digital Mind Technologies.


Custom Software, Web Application and Android Development

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